Step by step:
1. You apply to us. You give us the necessary details of your care experience to find the best assignment, you also specify your conditions. Great if you also have references. We then verify your language level and look for an assignment that suits you.
2. you receive an offer for an assignment, the coordinator explains all the conditions, gives you the necessary information on the state of health of the mentee, details of the salary and the place of work. If you accept the offer, we send your CV to the German client.
3) Once the German family accepts, you fill in the ZUS questionnaire, we sign a contract with both sides and complete the formalities, i.e. we report you to the obligatory ZUS insurance and start the process of obtaining documents (A1 and EKUZ).
Once you have signed the documents… you can start packing, because we organise transport for you, at our expense, from your home directly to the guest’s home. You will receive an e-mail confirmation of the transport order.
When you arrive at the place of the order, you get to know the family and the mentee. You can also contact your Coordinator at any time, who will help you in all situations and answer questions.
6 Once the assignment is completed, we will organise your return transport to get you home safely.