Are you an open-minded and empathetic person? Do you dream of working in an international environment?
Then you are perfectly placed!

We know that a satisfied employee is a satisfied client ! We appreciate your hard work in the care you provide every day, because it is your commitment and concern for the welfare of the client that makes a world of difference.


We guarantee verified assignments!
We offer the highest earnings to the best!

We are looking for the best qualified care workers.
Working conditions at BraveCare
  • Working for Bravecare is safe and fully legal. After signing a contract, each of the employees leaving on assignment is reported to the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS), where insurance premiums are paid for them. Each employee must have an A1 form and a valid EHIC card.
  • You can always rely on us – the first person to contact is your assigned
  • Coordinator, and in case of problems during the assignment you can contact our lawyer, psychologist and nurse.
  • We guarantee free travel to and from the assignment.
  • We respect our employees and reward them according to their competence and commitment.
  • If you like working with us, please recommend a job candidate to us – if he or she goes on assignment with us, you will receive a special referral bonus!
How does it all happen?

Step by step:
1. You apply to us. You give us the necessary details of your care experience to find the best assignment, you also specify your conditions. Great if you also have references. We then verify your language level and look for an assignment that suits you.
2. you receive an offer for an assignment, the coordinator explains all the conditions, gives you the necessary information on the state of health of the mentee, details of the salary and the place of work. If you accept the offer, we send your CV to the German client.
3) Once the German family accepts, you fill in the ZUS questionnaire, we sign a contract with both sides and complete the formalities, i.e. we report you to the obligatory ZUS insurance and start the process of obtaining documents (A1 and EKUZ).
Once you have signed the documents… you can start packing, because we organise transport for you, at our expense, from your home directly to the guest’s home. You will receive an e-mail confirmation of the transport order.
When you arrive at the place of the order, you get to know the family and the mentee. You can also contact your Coordinator at any time, who will help you in all situations and answer questions.
6 Once the assignment is completed, we will organise your return transport to get you home safely.

How to prepare for the trip?
  • before departure, remember basic vocabulary in German about care, illnesses of the elderly, situations of daily life like shopping, cooking, dressing,
  • make a note of the contact details of your coordinator and our company, the address of the client, the details of the carrier who will transport you to your placementWhat should you bring with you?
  • an identity document, e.g. an identity card
  • a mobile phone with roaming enabled and a charger
  • your driving licence, if you have one
  • a payment card (you can pay in Germany with Visa, MasterCard, Maestro and Cirus), some cash in EURO for your own expenses – it is always a good idea to be prepared in case of unexpected situations
  • necessary hygiene products, clothing, comfortable shoes, a small towel and medication if you are taking When packing, remember that carriers usually have luggage limits, usually up to 25-30 kg.
What when you arrive to the client's home?

When you arrive at the place of assignment, you will be given the necessary information about your duties, the senior citizen’s daily schedule and what recommendations he or she has
medical and dietary recommendations from the Mentee’s family and from the previous Carer if you are going on a replacement. It is also useful to know what the state of the Mentee is in terms of physical and mental activities, how they like to spend their time. Also find out where the nearest shop, pharmacy and services are. Agree with the family on the rules of use of the Internet and their leisure time.
ATTENTION: If, at the place of assignment, you find conditions which are grossly different from those previously agreed upon, or the resident’s state of health is not in accordance with the information provided, it is essential to contact your coordinator immediately! Also react in the same way if the mentee or his/her family requires you to carry out additional duties, which were not mentioned before. If you have any questions, doubts, call your Coordinator, he/she is there to help you.

What activities are not allowed to Carers under German law?
  • it is forbidden to interfere with the skin, e.g. giving injections, insulin – it is not allowed to give medicines to the mentee oneself
  • it is the responsibility of the Carer to ensure that the Mentee takes the medication, while the distribution of the medication is handled by German medical assistance or a family member. In addition, it is important to remember not to measure sugar levels and not to put on pressure socks for the Mentee.
What to do in emergency situations?
  • Remember that panic is not a good adviser. If an accident occurs
  • accident involving you or your Mentee, call the emergency number in Germany (Notruf) as soon as possible – 112 – and inform them of the incident. This number, just as in Poland, has an emergency call centre which will redirect you to the police, ambulance or fire brigade depending on the situation. Give the address where the accident occurred, as well as the name and age of the injured person and details of the incident.
  • Remember not to consume alcohol or other drugs in the workplace under any circumstances!
  • You are taking care of another human being and this is a big responsibility for their life and health!
  • We act in a fully professional manner and do not give permission for this type of behaviour.
  • If you have a legal question please email our Lawyer: