Do you want your work to give you satisfaction? You are not afraid of challenges, you like people, you want to learn and develop?

This means that we are waiting just for you! We are trusted by thousands of carers and caregivers.
Join our team today!


Work is safe and legal

A co-worker leaving on assignment, after signing a contract, is reported to the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS), where insurance premiums are paid for him/her. We then send an application for an A1 and EHIC card to the National Health Fund.

You can rely on us in any situation

The first person to contact is your assigned Coordinator. In case of any problems during the assignment, our lawyer, psychologist and nurse will provide advice and professional support.

Free round-trip transportation

You are guaranteed free travel to the assignment and return home.

We offer referral bonuses to other carers

If you like working with us, refer a job candidate to us - if they go on assignment with us, you will receive a referral bonus!

Step-by-step procedure:

1 You apply to us. You provide us with information about your care experience, your level of German (which is verified by us) and your expectations. Your references are welcome. After analysing all the information regarding our cooperation, we look for an assignment that suits you.
2 You receive an offer, the coordinator gives you the necessary information about the mentee’s state of health, salary details, place of work. He explains in detail the scope of the job and the needs of the mentee. If you accept the offer, we send your CV to the German client.
3. once the German family accepts, you fill in the Social Security Questionnaire, we prepare the contract and send it to you for approval. We sign the contract and complete further formalities; we report you to the compulsory ZUS insurance and start the process of applying for the required documents (A1 and EHIC).
Once you have signed the documents, you can start packing, as we will arrange for you to be transported from your home, free of charge, directly to the home of your guest. You will receive confirmation of the transport order from us.
When you arrive at the place of the order, you meet the mentee and his or her family. At any time you can contact your coordinator, who will help you in difficult or unusual situations and answer any questions or concerns.
6) At the end of the assignment, we will arrange for free and safe transportation back home.