Working safely in BraveCare
Safety is our priority.
We are continually committed to providing our colleagues with safe working conditions. Not only do we offer you a rewarding job, but we also provide help and support from our professional team.

We are continually committed to providing our colleagues with safe working conditions. Not only do we offer you a rewarding job, but we also provide help and support from our professional team.
Here are the most common ones:
Unfair companies often take advantage of the situation of people who, for various reasons, find themselves in a difficult life/financial situation. Sometimes, by promising attractive salaries and development prospects, they can manipulate them and trick them into working under difficult and dangerous conditions.
Unfair employers who break commitments declared before departure. Once there, it turns out that duties are different from those agreed, there is no medical care provided, no work schedule or rest breaks. Sometimes deceived people work 12 or more hours a day without receiving any remuneration in return.
Undertaking work ‘on the black market’ if no contract is signed, no public health service is available, there is no security in the form of a Polish company (which will respond and organise assistance and/or safe transport home at any time), nor with any person who will provide assistance on the spot. Providing work without a contract exposes you to serious legal consequences.
There are many dramatic cases in the media of people who have gone abroad to seek a better future and ended up in places that resemble penal labour camps or brothels. Unfortunately, such situations still happen, also in civilised countries with strong laws and police services.
How to avoid such situations? It is important to recognise the signals that potentially threaten our safety.
Those seeking legal work as care staff for the elderly and/or dependent persons should absolutely check the following before using intermediary companies:
The entry in the Central Business Register or in the National Court Register should be verified.
A properly concluded contract results in the company's obligation to pay social (including pension) and health insurance contributions to the Social Security Institution (ZUS).
In the company's favour is the sending of original questionnaires, completed by the families; this gives us the opportunity to choose the most suitable order.
The employer should provide an A1 document certified by the Social Security Administration, which confirms legal work abroad. If the company does not send the A1 document this is the next major alarm signal.
A recruitment advertisement without a business address and containing only a mobile number is a wake-up call! In the event of a dispute with the employer, we will not be able to establish its place of operation and recovery will either be impossible or very difficult and time-consuming. There are known cases of companies failing to pay salaries and not being able to be traced.
The signing of the documents does not have to take place at the company's premises, but it is necessary to read the contract carefully, paying particular attention to: period of employment, place of work, type of work and amount of remuneration.
It is a good idea to gather opinions about the prospective employer; friends, social media and carers‘ and nannies’ groups (pages from trusted sources) are helpful here.
Your employer should provide you with the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), which confirms your right to receive necessary health care services at the expense of the National Health Fund during your temporary stay in another EU/EFTA Member State. When using the EHIC abroad, remember that you are subject to obligations and enjoy rights under the legislation of an EU/EFTA Member State under the same conditions as those insured in that country. When going to the doctor, make sure that he/she is operating within the public health system of the country concerned.
If you have questions or legal concerns related to your employment, please write to us:
Do not act in haste! Be especially careful when you are in a difficult financial/life situation. Check before you sign a contract.
Bravecare ApS
Vesterbrogade 149/1.b5
1620 Kopenhagen V Dania
tel.: +49 173 514 18 12
Bravecare ApS Branch in Poland
Jagiellońska 88, bud. 30U
00-992 Warszawa
tel.: +48 22 400 78 76
tel.: +49 173 514 18 12