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Caring for a person who is lying down

The beginning of work as a caregiver for an elderly person is almost always difficult. These difficulties are related to the health of the client, the degree of independence and the type of medical conditions. Most people who need daily care struggle with diseases typical of old age, such as memory disorders, depression, Parkinson’s disease, senile dementia, incontinence, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, rheumatism, atherosclerosis, cancer or osteoporosis. The more advanced the stage of the disease, the more difficult it can be to care for a senior citizen. That’s why it’s worth making daily chores easier and less stressful. Learn about our proven ways J

Medical and rehabilitation equipment

Medical and rehabilitation equipment is essential in the daily care of a person who is lying down. First and foremost, it is important to ensure that the room where the senior stays most often and where care activities take place is properly equipped. Depending on individual needs, this may include an adjustable rehabilitation bed, a wheelchair for a sitting patient, a walker, a vital signs monitoring device and others.

Proper positioning of the body during care is extremely important, as is maintaining the correct sequence of hygiene activities. By laying your client on his side, you will provide him with greater comfort, and make it easier for yourself to reach the harder-to-reach areas.

Disposable hygiene items and specialized cleaning products

If you’re changing diapers on the bed, also washing the client there or serving meals, be sure to protect the mattress from getting dirty. To do this, it’s a good idea to use disposable sanitary pads. Remember to replace them every time! They are a great convenience in caring for a person lying down. You can consider replacing water and soap with specialized cleansers that do not require rinsing. On a daily basis, it is advisable to use disposable hygiene products, such as wet wipes, antibacterial wipes and wet towels. When choosing such products, pay attention to their quality. It is important to have a high content of cleansing substances and no or few preservatives, which can potentially cause allergic reactions and irritation on the skin.

Anti-decubitus articles

Bedsores are a major threat to patients lying down. A great solution is anti-decubitus mattresses. It is also a good idea to use special pads for the wrists, ankles, neck or knees. It is very important to change the senior’s position frequently (at least once every 2 hours).

To prevent bedsores, clothing and bedding should always be kept dry. Also remember to use creams and ointments to prevent bedsores. Most of them can be bought at the pharmacy, without a prescription.